xcheckers, cliché and gpl-cake
Xcheckers is a small application to play at
draughts in an X Window against others over the internet or
against the computer
Xcheckers is free software, for details see accompanying
file COPYING. Courtesy of Martin Fierz, this contains
simplech, a strong search engine for the american rule
capers: the upcoming version of xcheckers will be
much more userfriendly and powerful. have look at the preview.
- cake 1.20 (Mar 2005)
- Martin Fierz very
strong commandline checkers program now sports an opening book
- a very efficient one at that.
Download and beat It!
Saving xcheckersrc-cake to
~/.xcheckersrc, will make xcheckers use it by
- pdntool (Dec 2004)
- is a commandline tool to
validate portable draughts notation and to play games from a
pdn book in xcheckers.
Download sources: pdntool.tar.gz.
- new cake beta (Nov 2004)
- a long living bug
in cake-beta was tracked down by Martin Fierz. many thanks to
him and to Kevin Buzzard, who initiated his efforts!
- updated Makefiles (Nov 2004)
- corrected an error when
creating the Makefiles with a recent cpp/imake.
- cliché (Mar 2004) (Jul 2005)
- cliché -
short for: command line interface for checkers engines (that
implement the CheckerBoard API) - comes with Martin Fierz
english and italian search modules. Work in progress! get
crossplatform (linux, windows,
macosx) sources and binaries, debian package, updated
xcheckers below.
- kcheckers (Jan 2003)
- there's now competition: its
called KCheckers;
installation is definitely easier than with this one. Its only
at version 0.3, but its already good for a recreational
- XFree4 changes (Jan 2002)
- Fight bit rott - updated
sources and binaries below; cake still broken, with lcc
- cake input (May 2001)
- Martin Fierz' very strong
checkers engine cake is gone GPL. This source code
package is ready to compile with gcc, but any recent C
compiler should do.
You may want to visit the simplech homepage:
You may want to visit the kcheckers homepage:
You may also want to check out Bob Newells' pages
The Internet Checkers and Draughts Server (ICDS) has
disappeared from the internet, a copy of the source code is
available on request.
- sources:
- xcheckers-2.2.3.tar.gz [44 kB]
- mixed:
- cake-1.20.tar.gz [972 kB]
- pdntool.tar.gz [80 kB]
- cliche-1.2.tar.gz [80 kB]
- binaries:
xcheckers-2.2.3-Linux-i686.tar.gz [44 kB] GLIBC-2.3
xcheckers-2.1-OpenBSD-i386.tar.gz [40 kB]
xcheckers-2.01-OpenBSD-sparc.tar.gz [44 kB]
Send suggestions, bug reports and bug fixes to pch(a)myzel.net
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