Gilbert Ashley This is the udftools package which allows you to work with the udf filesystem. Using these tools along with the pktcdvd kernel module allows you to mount a CDRW and simply copy files to it or 'erase' them, just as if the CD were a large floppy disk. I have created several packages of the udftools -starting with version 1.0.0b3. Internally the sources are still marked as 1.0.0b2. Then I found cvs sources from 20040227 which contained ome fixes. i also found a couple of extra patches from others on the web and included them in the release. The release was marked as: udftools-2007.09.27 because of the date when I downloaded the sources from CVS. But the last commit to the sources was actually from 2004.02.27. Then, I found some new patches on the web -one of which clashed with the cvs sources, but was actually a more complete patch. So, for the latest release I have gone back to using the original 1.0.0b3 sources, applying the group of patches as before, then applying some unique changes from the CVS sources and then a couple of other minor patches on top of that. I release this version as 1.0.0b4 to distiguish it from the earlier 1.0.0b3 and 2007.09.27 releases. The whole udftools project is basically orphaned. I ought to chip and take over the maintenance of the project, but it is hosted on SourceForge so it is a bit of a problem. I did contribute a couple of udf and pktcdvd patches to the linux-2.4.37 release which were adapted from code in the linux-2.6 series. Usage of the UDF filesystem should have taken of better -it is widely used on the Windows OS and disks created under Linux can be at least read under Windows. It really is a nice feature to be able to simply drag and drop files onto a CD which is mounted just like any other read-write disk! The 'Resources' directory here contains copies of many web-pages which have to do with using udf and the pktcdvd kernel module.